Face2Gene Features

Syndrome Info For Patient

A modal window that displays information about a genetic syndrome in the contex of a patient. In the top left part of the modal there are two images. The images are aligned on top of each other for easier comparison.

The clinician can compare the image of their patient with one of three options:

  1. A computer-generated mask with facial features that are typical for the syndrome.
  2. Heat map showing the most similar areas between the original image and the generated mask.
  3. Images that were published publicly of children that were diagnosed with the same syndrome.

Documentation Of Genetic Test Results

A set of deeply nested forms with multiple variations. The form's structure is represented using JSON. Form updates are bubbled up the component tree to the top component.

Library Advanced Search

A search query UI built using a set of React components with JSON represented sructure. The search query is saved to the database to support future enhancements of this feature.